Monday, January 9, 2012

Gomo's last day

One night Christina and I headed out into the neighborhood to take a walk and get some air.  We walked for a bit before we noticed that the only people we saw were men.  Inebriated men.  We decided to grab a snack at the local GS25 and head back home.

Our stash
 We managed a shot of ourselves before heading back home, the lights of Shin Sung Dong behind us.

Sweetened carbonated barley tea, anyone?  Yes, I drank this.  Will not be drinking again.

It was the last day before our beloved Gomo (Sam's little sister) had to head back to the States.  We decided to go sledding at a nearby ski resort, about an hour away.  Road trip!

Happy campers in the back
 A good snapshot of the Korean landscape - lots of greenhouses, high rise apartment buildings, with beautiful mountains as the backdrop

We're here!


 There were two sledding hills, one a bit more steep than the other.  Both were good sized hills.  It was a very orderly process where "sledding attendants" directed people when to go down, almost like we were racing each other.  Those poor attendants repeated the instructions and precautions before every single run.  I wanted to paint a placard for them, with the rules written on it.  Muju resort




One Bum Per Car, please. :O)

Bye Gomo!  We love you!

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